2018 SCA Australian Sporting Clay Nationals

2018 SCA Australian Sporting Clay Nationals
OTC (Outdoor Trading Company) – Gold Sponsor
Sporting Clays Australia are pleased to announce Outdoor Trading Company (OTC) have come on board as GOLD SPONSORS of the 2018 SCA Nationals.
Lee and Simon said they are delighted to be supporting the Nationals again this year. “OTC has sponsored events in every state this year and we would like to thank clubs and members for their continued support and look forward to catching up at the Nationals”.
No matter whether you are a club looking at setting targets or a competitor in any class, OTC has got you covered. OTC can supply clubs with an amazing range of targets from Corsivia and their range of sporting shotshells is one of the best in the business.
OTC have been one of the major sponsors of Sporting Clays Australia over many years and in coming weeks we will tell you more about the relationship between OTC and SCA.