2019 Sporting Nationals 18-20 October in association with Cooma Sporting Clays update


SCA Squad details for the Sporting Nationals 18th to 20th October 2019 at Cooma Sporting Clays

This will be the last update. There are only 4 places left and any new entries after this point will receive confirmation of your entry from the online system. These last placed four entries should present themselves at the nomination hut before 8:00am on Friday to receive their squad details.

PS – We try to accommodate any special request for members who have taken the time to contact us via Email to shoot together or be on the same wave. Sometimes this is not possible with the amount of entries received.

The positives of being squadded with people you do not know introduces you to new friends. Whoever you end up shooting with, do not complain, (remember your squad is with you for the competition) and above all enjoy yourselves and the hospitality of Cooma.