Hi SCA Members,
Unfortunately, no good news to report regarding our sport opening up this week.
On a couple of positive notes –
The SCA Autumn 2020 magazine is in the mail & will be with you shortly.
The transmission rates & hospitalisation of Covid-19 have shown very positive signs of declining in Australia (And around the World) over the Easter period. There is no reason this good news will not keep gaining momentum with more positive signs over the next week.
We live in hope that the State, National Governments, Media, News outlets can stop their negativity/fear mongering & start reporting the positives as their “curves” that we keep hearing about flatten out.
Our various Governments need to be reminded not to keep us locked down for a second longer than is necessary. We will be the ones required to get the country back up & running again. Let’s hope they do not make the effort required any harder than it needs to be?
Keep an eye out in the Mail. Until we can all pull the trigger again, make sure you keep in touch with your family & friends to keep their (& your) spirits up, stay positive, this situation will not last forever.