News in from Queensland Sporting Clays Association Inc
QSCA Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Members Update 2 – 13/05/2020
Hello QSCA Members,
QSCA has continued to work with SCA, industry representatives and government agencies in relation to a return to shooting. QSCA noted the release of the “Roadmap to easing Queensland’s restrictions’, last Friday; however, we had several questions for which we have sought written clarification.
QSCA also attended a briefing yesterday (Tuesday 12th) with Sport & Recreation (Department of Housing and Public Works), who have communicated that the intent of the understandably QSCA Members will be disappointed by this decision.
Further meetings with sport/community representatives occurred today. In effect – this means that the return to shooting will likely not be permitted until 12th June when Stage 2 occurs, permitting non-contact participation for up to 20 persons.
QSCA continues to seek clarification and guidance from Sport and Recreation on behalf of member clubs to ensure we are ready for Sat 13th June restart.
Please note that:
- the interpretation of sport vs. recreation, and activities now permitted in other states do not necessarily apply here – this is solely at the direction of the Qld Government and its agencies
- these restrictions are not impacting shooting – but the majority of community sport and recreational clubs/activities
- post Stage 2 – some clubs may still have local restrictions/conditions impacting their ability to open
- there has been a large amount of misinformation circulating – and out advice is that the only one that counts is that of the Qld. Government and its agencies.
If QSCA members are seeking further information, in the first instance we request that you get in touch with your club’s committee.
QSCA President – Glen Rider
QSCA Secretary/Treasurer – Ashley Mead
Please regularly monitor the QSCA website and out Facebook page for up to date information