covid-19 update 21 April


Hi SCA Members.
Following on from our report last week.

Hopefully, you are starting to see the SCA Autumn 2020 Edition magazines coming through your mailbox. Australia Post are having a boost in mail/parcels going out & this is having a knock on effect in slowing down the post more than usual. I understand Victoria, South Australia & parts of NSW are receiving. Tasmania, WA, QLD are still waiting for the mail to travel up.

Anyway, the Covid-19 Curve has flatlined (not just tapering off). We have all done what has been asked of us with self-isolation, Social distancing, etc to get this situation under control, let’s trust our Governments will do the right thing here & start releasing us all from our confinements?

The SCA National President (Greg Dawes) has been part of a discussion group with Sport Australia to present the impact of the shutdown we have all seen from our sports perspective.

Part of the information received below from Jenni Thom at Shooting Australia

Sports Australia have advised that the information provided to them will be used to gain an understanding of how sports are being impacted and provide data for Sport Australia to advocate for the sporting community for funding and support from the Federal Government. Shooting Australia is required to complete the template and financial data collection requirements, however, we believe that it is important for Sport Australia to also be aware of the financial impact of COVID-19 on the Member Organisations and sport shooting as a whole.
1. Financial impact that COVID-19 has had or will have on sports;
2. Impact and availability to Federal Government Stimulus package on sport;
3. Understand the financial and headcount impact of measures already implemented, or planned, by sports to address the underlying changes in market conditions; and
4. Current, expected or possible impact on membership numbers and/or renewals.

Greg’s Summary Report supplied back to Sport Australia

I will summarise the impact the Covid19 shutdown has had on Sporting Clays Australia and our member state bodies and clubs.
Sporting Clays Australia, its 6 member State Associations and their 42 member clubs are all run on voluntary bases with very limited expenses they can reduce, some have small honorariums under $5000.00 for secretarial positions.
The Financial impact at all levels within our association will begin to have an impact over the coming months as fixed cost, insurance, rates and taxes, and utility’s, have to be paid with no revenue to offset against.

National, State and Club championship events have been postponed or counselled, the list of these events will grow the longer the lockdown continues. Estimated revenue loss to SCA from nominations to national events, if lockdown continues to August of this year, will be in excess of $90000.00.


Each club runs at least monthly events:
1. The average revenue loss per event will be $4000.00 x 42 = $168000.00 per month, these are very significant numbers some clubs will find it very difficult to survive as they do not have financial reserves to sustain and extend period of no income.

2. The government stimulus package is of no benefit to our associations as we do not meet the payment criteria.

3. As listed the associations have very little they can do to reduce costs as we are predominantly a volunteer organization.

4. The impact this can have on memberships going forward is of the greatest concern.
We have many aged members across the country WHO HAVE GONE ALONG TO THEIR CLUB EVERY MONTH FOR YEARS, the longer members are locked out of participating in their sport and club social events the harder it is going to be to reengage with them, getting them back participating and renewing memberships, this risk cannot be over stated.

5. Sponsors:
One area that has not been touched on is sponsorship of events at club, state and national level.
Our sponsors are predominantly from the shooting industry, many have had their income reduce or stopped overnight. These companies will not have the revenue available to support the sponsor agreements they will have in place. The cost to the event holders(CLUBS, STATE AND NATIONAL) will run into 10s of thousands of dollars this year.

Personal Wellbeing:

The effect on our member’s personal wellbeing must also be of prim consideration, for many of our members this is their only social meeting place to take that away from them is a very significant concern to them. They cannot meet their colleges and talk about what is on their mind, enjoy the walk around in the bush whilst shooting the course, and forget about what other problems they have for a few hours.

The combined income figures our clubs generate under our sport as a total are quite substantial when tallied up over 12 months (and this is only for our Association).
Our Sport contributes/supports many businesses across Australia & our Government bodies need to be reminded of this. Whether this leads to support of any funding from the Governments back into our sports community remains to be seen. Lets trust this leads to a positive outcome for our sport.

In closing, we need to remember the companies & businesses that have supported our Association & Clubs over the years and are now going through a very tough time.
These companies have seen their sales collapse & they have very few options open to generate income now that the shooting sports are closed down.
Now is the time for your Clubs to stock up on that new trap you were thinking about, Clay targets or release gear & get ready for the kick-off when this lockdown is lifted.
Please support the Shooting Industry wherever you can. We will need these companies to be there when we start up again.

Hopefully, we will have more positive news again next week.

Stay Safe & remember to stay in contact with your mates & clubs!!!