The 2017 Season Is Closer Than You Think
Information for shooters renewing their membership for 2017.
As 2016 draws to a close Existing Members will need to renew their membership for 2017. It’s great to see that some of you have gotten in early to continue your membership next year.
For those of you already signed up to the SCA database, you will receive a reminder email 28 days, 14 days and 1 day before your membership is due to expire. All memberships must be paid for online via the SCA website – not at your Club. The reminder email contains instructions on how to purchase and renew your membership for 2017. Please note that your membership will retain its existing expiry date.
Ready to renew now? Follow the steps below:
1. Go to the MEMBERS menu (above), then choose your State.
2. Scroll down and select your Club from the options available.
3. On the following page, select the membership option you’d like to purchase.
4. Review your selection, then click the CHECK OUT button.
5. Log in to your account if prompted to do so.
6. Confirm your payment details, then click the PLACE ORDER button to complete your purchase.
If you haven’t created an online Profile with Sporting Clays Australia yet, you will need to do this as part of the process (step 5) in order to renew your membership. This is a once-off task and requires each individual member to complete your contact details and particulars. This includes all Life Members.
You will generate a “Login” and “Password” as part of this process, which you will need to access the system to pay for your membership and National Competition entries. Each person in the Association has to have their own Profile page. The same Email address can be used for family groups, although each person must have a unique Password. Families will be required to enter each person separately and register their names under their own Profile page.
Please contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.