Breaking News – Sporting Clays Shooting is on the way BACK!

breaking news

Breaking News – Sporting Clays Shooting is on the way BACK!

Hi SCA members

As reflected in our last post the good news is that Sporting Clay shooting is making a return after the House arrest we have all been under.

The bad news is that some states will be behind the eight ball as they wait for their State Governments to wake up & return life back to something you will recognise.

Although the lifting of restrictions has started, the actual reality will be in steps as outlined in the Federal Governments’ advice & the AIS (Australian Institute of Sport). Try not to listen to all the experts on social media, there is a lot of half-truths & misinformation being spread.around.

We mention the following as some members are giving their Committee members a hard time.
Your State bodies have just been advised of the process they will have to follow 1 hour ago . Please give them time to get their heads around this process as it is quite involved.

In other words, do not start bugging them as you will only delay the opening up of your Club. Please remember, each Committee member of your Association is a volunteer & they only have so many hours left out of their normal lives to dedicate to you & the sport.

Your representatives want to move forward & open as soon as you. Do not start giving them a hard time with phone calls & Emails, it will only delay the process of opening.

FYI – You may not realise this, but there are serious ramifications for anyone who sets out on a course to start shooting that does not have the legal right to do so. Your Committees are not going to put themselves (or you) in a position that can have this form of outcome. Please be patient & it will be done correctly.

If you want to contact someone & vent, put your efforts into your Local, State & Federal members of Parliament, not your Association & Club Executives, Your Clubs will know what is required to move this forward over the next few days.

* Step 1 advised will be limited to groups of 10 people at a time for practice. Step 1 will not allow for Competitions

* Step 2 is the next lift which will allow groups of 20 people at a time An expanded number although full competition is still a problem – Step 2 is due to be in action around mid-June and will be dependant on any extra infection levels from Step 1 being actioned.

* Step 3 proposed for July & allows for competition with 100 people at a time An expanded number although full competition at some grounds is still a problem.

For those who have something to look forward to –

SA will be good to go from the 11th May (Step 1 Level)
QLD will be good to go from 16th May (Step 1 Level).
Tasmania.will be good to go from 18th May (Step 1 Level).
WA is positive (Date to be advised)
Unfortunately, NSW & Victoria are still under a blanket. Hopefully, these States will wake up & let their people go.

Watch this space as the Covid-19 issue unfolds and the reality of infections (or not) show to allow our lives to start to return to some form of normality.

International Travel is still on hold, although some relief is on the cards for NZ & Pacific Nations ( Oceania Noumea?). Once we know more on this we will advise.

This is not an ideal position to be in, but it is a start at least from a month ago as we all get back to some form of normality. More news to come as we are updated.